
Saturday, 27 July 2013

The Isaac Rosenberg Statue Appeal

I just had to share this with you - Clive Bettington, who is organising the appeal to raise funds for a statue to the memory of the poet Isaac Rosenberg, has been extremely supportive of the Female Poets of the First World War project and this is my way of saying "Thank you, Clive".

Jean Moorcroft Wilson describes Isaac Rosenberg as 'one of the finest and most distinctive poets of the First World War'.

The leaflet (see left) goes on to explain "Isaac Rosenberg (1890 - 1918), the son of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants, grew up and went to school in London.  He left school at the age of 14 (as so many people did in those days to help with their family's  expenses) to go out to work.

Isaac was extremely talented and was able to enrol at Birkbeck College (1907 - 1911), where fees were reasonable and whose standards were and still are very high.   He studied hard, did very well, winning several prizes and painted his first self-portrait, which is now on display at Tate Britain.

Rosenberg was then able to win a place at the famous Slade School of Fine Art in London, where he studied from 1911 - 1914.   When war broke out, Rosenberg was staying with his sister in Cape Town. He enlisted in the British Army and was killed near Arras on 1st April 1918.

The Sculptor chosen for the project, is Etienne Millner - see his work on -
and it is Millner's sketch of the proposed statue that you can see on the front cover of the brochure.

For further information, please contact and/or check out the Appeal website

"I lay this reverent wreath upon his tomb" - Siegfried Sassoon.