
Saturday, 14 September 2013


Today's poet is Henriette Roland Holst (1869 - 1952) from Holland.   Although Holland remained neutral during WW1, their forces remained on high alert.

I should explain that in the fullness of time I hope to research all the poets on my list - which grows daily!  The plan is to write up biographical details, find a photograph and a couple of poems and print off a panel for the exhibitions.   Once that is done, details go towards the next Volume of the anthologies "Female Poets of the First World War".

The aim is to be as inclusive as possible - it is not an academic study and the poems are not reviewed.  I feel poetry is extremely important and rather personal.   Some people have suggested that poetry needs to be read aloud - I feel it is up to each individual to decide what suits them best.  One size doesn't fit all!   Some people just don't see the point of poetry;  others cannot get enough.  Others still eventually find a gradual appreciation and even write their own poems.

Serendipity appears to play a huge part in my project.  I am very grateful indeed for the help, guidance and moral support I have received.   This gives me the strength to keep going.

Special thanks today go to:

Professor Margaret Stetz, who is Mae and Robert Carter Professor of Women's Studies and Professor of Humanities at the University of Delaware, Newark, USA, who I found when reading through the website of the newly-created May Sinclair Society.

May Sinclair, you may recall, was the first poet I discovered, having found out that she was born in Rock Ferry on The Wirral.

Professor Stetz sent me a very supportive and encouraging e-mail and I think it would be wonderful to forge a link with the University of Delaware.

Thanks are also due to:

-  Suzanne Raitt, USA - also of the May Sinclair Society -

-  Stephen Thomas of Other Roads Films - - who discovered the most wonderful Welsh language poem written in 1916 by someone called Sarah Davies and featured on the website - - Welsh Voices

I understand there is a documentary about Ivor Gurney in the pipeline - thank you Stephen can't wait to see that.   News of that is on Tim Kendall's weblog.

-  Kristine Homes of Sheffield University, who sent me details of her Luxembourg language work.

Thank you all very much indeed - your help is very much appreciated.
