
Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sincere Apologies . . . those who went along to the Library in Fleetwood last week hoping to see the Exhibition.  This had to be put on hold as I came down with a really horrible bug and had to postpone the opening of the exhibition.   I am still not fighting fit but at least the exhibition is now in place.

I hope to hear from those of you who have visited the exhibition as I value your feedback.   And if anyone has ideas of other poets/inspirational women/fascinating facts to include please let me know.

Thank you.

Fleetwood Library,
North Albert Street,

(well I have since discovered two more Fleetwoods with Libraries - one in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada and one in Pennsylvania, USA - I am going to get in touch with them. . .)


Opening Times:  Monday:  9 am to 5 pm;  Tuesday: 9 am to 7 pm;  Wednesday: 9 am to 12.30; Thursday:  9 am to 7 pm;  Friday:  9 am to 5 pm;  Saturday:  9 am to 4 pm.