
Thursday, 7 November 2013

2013 Pendle War Poetry Competition Winner from Canada reads winning entry on local radio

Christine Poropat from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada (in photo), was featured on CBC Radio's Points North programme where she read out her poem that has won second prize in the Overseas Category of this year's Pendle War Poetry Competition.

 You can hear Christine read out her poem and tell about her family's involvement in the Second World War in this excellent feature that was put together by Jennifer Norwell at CBC Sudbury, Ontario.

 To listen, click on the sound icon below (please note this may take longer to load if you are using a Mac...):

 Photo by Jennifer Norwell, CBC. To find out more about the Points North programme on CBC, click here:

 To see details of all the winners of the 2013 Pendle War Poetry Competition, look here: