
Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Katherine Hale (1878 - 1956) - Canadian

With grateful thanks to Phil Dawes, who is collecting information about First World War poets, for sending me this poem about knitting - for all those who are busy knitting poppies, etc.

A tiny click of little wooden needles,
Elfin amid the gianthood of war;
Whispers of women, tireless and patient,
Who weave the web afar.

Whispers of women—tireless and patient,
"This is our heart's love," it would seem to say,
"Wrought with the ancient tools of our vocation,
Weave we the web of love from day to day."

Katherine Hale

Katherine Hale was the pen-name of the Canadian poet Amelia Beers Warnock who also used the name Mrs John W. Garvin.

Katherine was a poet, critic, writer, journalist and singer.

I will do my best to find out more about Katherine and other poems about knitting for those of you who are knitting items of commemoration of the First World War.