
Sunday, 12 April 2015

A poem by Nadja (Malacrida) in honour of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

For the post about Nadja Malacrida please see


Dedicated in sincere admiration to the Officers and Men of the 2/7 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

ONWARD to victory, on ever splendid,
Fluttering ribbons and pipes all ablaze,
Steady, unfaltering is the way wended,
Dogged, unflinching each calm, manly gaze.

On, ever on whilst the pibrochs are playing,
March to the lilt of those strains that can thrill,
Somewhere at home there are hearts that are praying,
Somewhere ahead there are hands that will kill.

On, ever onward with kilts proudly swinging,
On, ever on in that same level stride,
Songs of the Highlands and Home ye are singing
Men of her glory and Sons of her pride.

On then;  before you the colours are gleaming,
See that their honour be ever maintained,
So to all ages these words shall come streaming
'Argyll and Sutherlands, Vict'ry is gained!'

First published in Nadja Malacrida's anthology "For Empire and Other Poems", 1916, London, Arthur L. Humphreys, which was sold in aid of St. Dunstan's Home for Blind Soldiers in London and The Star and Garter Home for disabled soldiers in Richmond.

With thanks to Professor Brian Murdoch of Stirling University for bringing the long-forgotten work of Nadja Malacrida to my attention.